Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Bright yellow at the bottom Posted by Hello

Speeding cars Posted by Hello

Out of focus but still looks good Posted by Hello

Late evening, a nice red sunset Posted by Hello

A cool looking pic Posted by Hello

Early evening  Posted by Hello

More of skyline, a wider angle Posted by Hello

The smog in Chicago makes things look like this I suppose Posted by Hello

Another picture while leaving Chicago Posted by Hello

Picture taken while leaving the city Posted by Hello

The greenery even in late fall Posted by Hello

The beautiful streets of Chicago heading towards downtown Posted by Hello

The beautiful streets of Chicago heading towards downtown Posted by Hello

The beautiful streets of Chicago Posted by Hello

The beautiful streets of Chicago.. Posted by Hello

The beautiful streets of Chicago Posted by Hello

A full length view of the church Posted by Hello

A church in Chicago Posted by Hello

A group of sad fans after the Bears were defeated Posted by Hello

Another example of the huge street darkening shadow the skyscrapers create Posted by Hello

The shadow the skyscrapers create in downtown Posted by Hello

A nice building, (not sure what its called, if any of you know what this building is called mail me) Posted by Hello

A nice picture of the top of the Sears Tower Posted by Hello

The very top of the Sears Towers Posted by Hello

Sears Tower Posted by Hello